A heart of gratitude…and an award?!

liesbster 2I am grateful.  For many things; my children, my health, my husband, my family.  I am grateful for those in my life who have influenced me, who have challenged me, who have nearly broken me and for those who have held me up. I am grateful to come home to a warm house and plenty of nourishment every night.  I am grateful that I am safe and loved.

This past month has been a new adventure for me!  I am not a writer, I certainly did not think that I would enjoy it at all.  I started this little blog more as a repository of memories about some of the things in my life that I am most grateful for – my home, my family, my friends and my garden.  The garden seems like a silly little piece of the big picture, but it is a very fitting foundation upon which to build my story.  It is such a perfect backdrop for so many things and there are so many puns to be worked in!! I had hoped a few people would enjoy my ramblings…ahem…memoirs… about my trials in the garden of course, but most importantly, I hoped that as my girls get older they see past the posts about seeds, weeds and dreams and recognize these tales for what they really are. They are for them.  I am trying to share with them a bit of myself that they don’t see day to day by planting memories for them “on paper”.  I am trying to bury the little things they don’t hear from me (as we rush out of the house in the morning or to soccer after dinner or when I am upset that they are arguing again) in the little stories I share about “gardening”.  I hope they one day unearth what I set out to achieve. I hope they discover the meaning of the words even if they are covered in a bit of “dirt” and I hope that this little time capsule helps them get to know me a bit better. And if they learn a little something of the importance of knowing where their food comes from or discover the beauty in a blooming flower along the way – so much the better!


When I turned my computer on 2 nights ago, I had a notification that someone else is reading these memoirs and maybe even enjoying them a bit!  Lynn from WordShamble had selected me as a Leibster Award Nominee – I am not sure if this like a blog chain letter disguised as an award for new Blogs, but either way, I am grateful!  So thanks Lynn!

Apparently, there are rules that go along with accepting this award, so here they are:

1) Put the Liebster Award logo on your blog.

2) Thank and tag the blog who nominated you – Again, thanks Lynn!

3) Answer their questions and come up with 10 new ones for your nominees

4) Nominate 8 blogs (with less than 200 followers), let them know you’ve nominated them and link them in your post.  I was not sure I had even read 8 blogs, so this led me on another adventure searching for some like minded gardeners (I apologize if you have more than 200 followers – that part was tricky)

5) No tag-backs.


So these are the questions I was asked…

(1) What was your favourite book as a child and why?

The Poky Little Puppy because the drawings were sweet, the adventures were grand and the puppy was so naughty. It gave me hope that someday, maybe, being naughty would pay off in Strawberry Shortcake. Still waiting… 

(2) If you were a Supervillain, who would you want to be and why?

Dr Doofenschmirtz from Phineas and Ferb – deep down he isn’t really evil and he has some phenomenal ideas!
(3) If you could only save one animal from a global extinction, what would it be?

My dog Gus.
(4) Where’s your happy place? Describe.

In my garden, with my girls – guess you will just have to read all my other posts to find out why!
(5) E-readers or conventional books?

Always a real book.
(6) If you could choose one piece of tech from a Bond movie, which would it be?

I would choose Pierce Brosnan – is that an option?!
(7) What are the three foods that you wouldn’t want to live without?

Brie, pepper jelly and chocolate.
(8) If a griffin fought a hydra, which would win?

I couldn’t even venture a guess.
(9) What’s the favourite post you’ve posted?

Little Hands, Little Seeds, Very Little Patience – I love that little girl to bursting.
(10)What’s the best piece of conversation you’ve ever overheard?

My two girls whispering behind my back after a very bad day at work…”Uh oh, Mama is getting out the rototiller, we’d better go inside and hide!”


I am grateful to have discovered the following blogs and nominate:


New Gardener Blues

Garden Fairy Farm


The Gardeners Notebook

Garden and more

The Bent Trowel

Gardening Hands


My 10 questions for you are:

1) Favorite flower

2) Favorite veggie

3) Favorite garden picture (insert it if you can)

4) Favorite season

5) Biggest defeat in your garden

6) Biggest challenge in your garden

7) Your next big project

8) Your gardening partner you are most grateful for

9) Your favourite quote

10) What are you grateful for?


So the first month has been a truly great experience!  I have discovered that writing can be a lot of fun and a great distraction – even if it only lasts for this one season, for that discovery I am…. grateful.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” ~William Arthur Ward

11 thoughts on “A heart of gratitude…and an award?!

  1. Hi there. Love the answers you gave to my questions and Pierce Brosnan as a gadget? Totally allowable!
    I thought twice about accepting the award too, but it seems harmless enough and if it encourages people and makes connections then it can’t do any harm.
    I like to pootle in my own garden (in Bristol, UK, where I think, the climate is kinder than Nova Scotia!) and had an allotment a while back where we grew sweetcorn (badly) onions, potatoes (pretty well) broad beans (disastrous due to black fly and ants). There’s nothing lovelier than standing in our garden in May when the sun’s shining and the bees are pollinating the cherry blossoms on our tree.
    I thought your blog looked really good and I loved the pictures, the fact that you still love to garden despite the challenges you face. And the way you write- warm, conversational. I hope you carry on blogging and gardening for a long time.
    All the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Lynn for your kind words! I am having a lot more fun than I ever thought I would, thank you so much for getting me to look a bit deeper and find some other new blogs – I definitely found some great sites! I am not sure how different Bristol is – I think your growing season is longer but wetter (but less hurricanes…) As challenging as the winter can be, it creates a very nice break and time to get excited all over again – I tend to get lazy in the fall! Thanks again, posting pictures is pretty easy, I’d love to see that cherry tree! Best wishes to you on your journey as well!


  2. So happy you put me on your list! We garden-y types must absolutely stick together. Plumdirt and I are neighbors of sorts in Texas, but we are hours apart (it’s really big here). She is a most excellent gardener and you will do well following her blog. Lots of great information there. I will have to check out the others on your list — I am both compelled and honored to do so.

    And my acceptance post…forthcoming for sure. 😀

    Welcome to WordPress. It is my home-away-from-home since 2012; I hope you find it as comfy as I have. I agree with everything Linda said above (especially lazy=fall), and best wishes from me also on your journey. May you be blogging long and frequently. Cheers!


  3. Pingback: Winter Wrens and Woodies, Liebster Award | DirtNKids

    • You are very welcome – it appears we have very similar struggles, the winter info is very helpful! I wasn’t sure if it was just a chain, but it seemed like a fun way to let people know that I enjoy reading what they have to say!


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