Picked and Planted (and poking up!) -June 2nd to June 8th

This week we picked:

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Pak Choi and Market Express Turnips and greens -planted 26 April

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Easter Egg radish (aren’t they pretty?) The Cherry Belles are getting really big…

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Mesclun, Buttercrunch lettuce, Red Oak lettuce, Arugula and Spinach

Peppermint Swiss chard – We ate it before we took a picture…ooops…

Ragged Jack and Dinosaur Kale

Rhubarb, Rhubarb and more Rhubarb!

Cilantro, Chives, Green Onion and Sweet Basil

Approx savings compared to local market: $50.12

Total weight picked this week: 12.64 pounds

This week we planted :

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These are the “Salsa bed” and the “Italian bed” – I love the flowering Kale that overwintered under the tunnels.


Big Beef, Lemon Boy, Black Plum, Menonnite and Sungold Indeterminant tomatoes

Alaska, Subarctic Plenty, Gold Dust and Scotia determinant tomatoes

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The tomatoes were getting “leggy” from the cold weather while they patiently waited on he deck to harden off – we plucked the lower leaves off and buried them deeply in the raised beds and sideways in the rows.  We are trying planters, black film, red film and straw mulch this year, it will be interesting to see which way works best…

Elsewhere in the raised beds and rows…

Jalapeno, King Arthur, Big Bell and a few mystery peppers (my wee one ate a pepper from the market, saved seeds, planted them and stuffed them in the garden!)

Sweet and Opal Basil


Utah celery

Packman and Munchkin broccoli seedlings

Flowers: Galdiolis, Nasturtuim, Calendulas and Sunflowers


Boyne Raspberries and Galdiolis together in a newly redone bed

Poking up:

My wee girl’s garden is popping up all over the place! The squash have also poked out from the black plastic but no signs of the cucumbers yet….


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“If you are what you eat don’t be fast, cheap and easy” ~ No idea who said this, but it made me bust out laughing when I saw it on a mug! 

15 thoughts on “Picked and Planted (and poking up!) -June 2nd to June 8th

  1. Oh my goodness your garden looks amazing. I’m sure all of the homegrown veggies are so tasty. Loved those radishes.. I ate one of mine the other day, but must wait a few more days for the others.. I have one zucchini growing so far and I’m so excited. I need warmer temps here in the north, but the rain is making everything move along nicely as long as we have a day or two in between the rain.. My permaculture bed is working well, draining off all this rain nicely.. But those little clovers are beginning to take over the bed.. But… No Slugs….. Yuppie

    Take care my dear and happy gardening to you, from Laura


    • Thanks Laura! Knock on wood, slugs have been at ease here too!! We have been pretty chilly here as well. I still have the plastic on the hoops over the squash bed. The weeds are pretty good thanks to the weed barriers, maybe I should do a special post on that next! E-hugs to you! I hope your knees are happier these days!

      Liked by 1 person

      • novascotiaroots, Yes indeed knock on wood as far as those nasty slugs go… it’s been pretty cool here too, but with all the rain my little weed clovers are taking over.. So yes, do a blog on your weed barriers.. I need the help… my knees are doing really well lately, but the gout attacked me just when my knees got better,,,, but I’ve found a Turmeric, ginger tea and the gout pain is almost gone.. Plus eating cherries like there going out of style as it’s suppose to help too.. all in all the pains are gone and I hope they don’t come back anytime soon.. I have lots of weeding to get done over here.. and just gardening cause winter is never that far away.. Go for the Garden Gusto I say ! 🙂 while, we can my dear.. Take care and hugs from Laura~


      • novascotiaroots, thanking you so much for your well wishes and good karma for better weather. We’ve spent the day today under a tornado warning, with rain and hail.. I covered all my plants in tarps quickly, once my bones told me the weather was turning from good to worse. Less than ten minutes later the sky opened up and poured.. winds too.. tarps held strong ~ protecting my tomatoes who wouldn’t have cared for that type of weather… hugs to you my dear.. from Laura

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  2. Oh My, you are growing great ahead. Loving the garden…and oh those cherry Belle radish. Poor germination with mine whereas English Breakfast always seems to do okay. Hot today…taking lots of breaks.


  3. We have a head start on the tomatoes, already giving many away. Only planted four plants, but four more came up on their own that we are also picking from (‘volunteers’). Your salad greens and fresh root/leaf varieties make my mouth water!

    Is the black plastic to warm the ground up? Or to keep unwanted seeds from sprouting? Perhaps both…


    • Both, it warms the soli, keeps in moisture and keeps the weeds down (the most important part in my opinion!!). The red is supposed to boost tomato and strawberry yield…we have some in each type and some in the raised beds without anything…we will see!

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